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Buffalo gals


Product number: 19973


(3) of the 19th century minstrel song is moderately easy. It is arranged for young male chorus voices but can be sung by older groups as well


Mindestbestellmenge / Minimum order quantity: 5
Besetzung / Cast: Männerchor
Künstler / Artists: Krunnfusz, Dan
Stil / Style: Anderes


This ol\' hammer
(3 & B solo) familiar American folksong set with \"work song\" rhythmic character, this arrangement is suitable for both the young male chorus and older groups. Moderately easy, this arrangement features a solo for the baritone voice, but it could be sung by a few voices or a small ensemble

Mindestbestellmenge: 5


This ol\' hammer
(3 & B solo) familiar American folksong set with \"work song\" rhythmic character, this arrangement is suitable for both the young male chorus and older groups. Moderately easy, this arrangement features a solo for the baritone voice, but it could be sung by a few voices or a small ensemble

Mindestbestellmenge: 5