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Product number: 6110


(8 & solo) first part of a mass in progress. Its rich textures and warm, expressive harmonies include solos for tenor and soprano. Oboe and piano accompaniment


Mindestbestellmenge / Minimum order quantity: 6
Besetzung / Cast: Trad. Chorliteratur gemischt SATB
Künstler / Artists: Nance, Richard
Stil / Style: Classic


Like as the heart desireth the waterbrooks
(4-7) Using Psalm 42 as text, this piece has a unique and beautiful melody with lush overtones and wide dynamic ranges. For a good high school SATB choir or for collegiate performance

Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Hodie christus natus est
(8 a cap, Weihn) Here is a new and exciting major work for double women\'s chorus a cappella which offers a challenge for the advanced or professional women\'s choirs

Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Set me as a seal
(4 & Horn) (wedding) This text from the Song of Solomon has inspired many composers. This setting is for mixed choir with piano and horn accompaniment

Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Psalm 36

Mindestbestellmenge: 10
Set me as a seal
(4 & Horn) From the Song of Solomon, this lovely piece - a success last year in its SATB setting - is now offered for SSAA voices, with French horn and piano accompaniment

Mindestbestellmenge: 5
(8 a cap & S solo) This stunning anthem carries the hallmark of Nance\'s melodic writing. Its soprano solo has the innocence of a boy soprano voice, complementing the bigger choral sound. Sung in Latin, the SATB divisi is best suited for a larger high school or community choir. A fine selection for festival or competition

Mindestbestellmenge: 3


Psalm 36

Mindestbestellmenge: 10
Set me as a seal
(4 & Horn) From the Song of Solomon, this lovely piece - a success last year in its SATB setting - is now offered for SSAA voices, with French horn and piano accompaniment

Mindestbestellmenge: 5
(8 a cap & S solo) This stunning anthem carries the hallmark of Nance\'s melodic writing. Its soprano solo has the innocence of a boy soprano voice, complementing the bigger choral sound. Sung in Latin, the SATB divisi is best suited for a larger high school or community choir. A fine selection for festival or competition

Mindestbestellmenge: 3
Like as the heart desireth the waterbrooks
(4-7) Using Psalm 42 as text, this piece has a unique and beautiful melody with lush overtones and wide dynamic ranges. For a good high school SATB choir or for collegiate performance

Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Hodie christus natus est
(8 a cap, Weihn) Here is a new and exciting major work for double women\'s chorus a cappella which offers a challenge for the advanced or professional women\'s choirs

Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Set me as a seal
(4 & Horn) (wedding) This text from the Song of Solomon has inspired many composers. This setting is for mixed choir with piano and horn accompaniment

Mindestbestellmenge: 5